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 Appendix B: My Anti-Evangelism Tract For Christians



Note: Feel free to print out and disseminate this anti-evangelism tract to any Christians who try to preach to you. A printable PDF version is here. Or you may download it and send it as an email attachment. (Right click the link and select "Save As" to download) Alternatively, you may also print out the “Christian Circular Arguments” article below, which summarizes, addresses and refutes the most popular Christian evangelist arguments, or send them the link to it.

Dear Christian,
Thanks for sharing your Christian faith or gospel to me. I want you to let you know that since it is too tedious to spend hours debating every point with you, I've listed links to key articles below which address all Christian apologist arguments for you to read. You will find the URL's to them below.


There you have it. Everything you could say and every argument you could present has been listed and addressed in the articles above. Though most Christians who receive this will probably not really read them, at least glance over the table of contents of the major treatise, read the short second one and the personal deconversion story.  

Now, when you do, allow me to make a "prophecy" (as the Bible prophets supposedly did). I predict that unless you are sitting on the fence, your response will be to divert attention from the logical arguments of the content above, and/or attempt to undermine the author's motives and character. That's what fanatics always do when they can't rebut the issues, which I've seen time and time again.

I hope this tract does not offend you. But remember that since you attempted to witness and share your faith with me, I have the right to do the same in turn. Fair is fair.

Thank you for your time and attention.



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