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Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions

Discrepancies and Revealing Facts the Church Never Told You


Here are some other miscellaneous issues that the churches never seem to notice, Christians never seem to hear about, which are extremely damaging to fundamentalist evangelical doctrine and theology.


Disunity among believers filled with the Holy Spirit


Christians say that in order to understand the Bible, a Christian has to let the Holy Spirit guide them and interpret it for them.  However, many of these sincere Bible-believing Christians who do just that, asking the Holy Spirit inside them to help them interpret the Bible, come to disagree on countless doctrines and interpretations of the Bible!  How could that be?  Why would the Holy Spirit, the third part of God, which supposedly helps believers in understanding and interpreting the Bible, be causing all these different interpretations among sincere believers?  Does the Holy Spirit love disunity?  Does it love playing mind games with people?  Let me give you 12 examples of the kind of issues that spirit-filled Christians disagree on in terms of their interpretation of the Bible.  There are many doctrinal issues in dispute, these are just a small sample.


1)  Some Christians believe that the Sabbath Day should be on Saturday like it was in the Old Testament, while others believe it should be on Sunday as mentioned in verses such as 1 Corinthians 16:2 to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday.  And still others say it doesn't matter just as long as it's one day a week.


2)  Some Christians believe that water baptism is a requirement of salvation, while others say that it is only a sign or outward reflection of it, and not part of the actual salvation itself.  These latter folks see such a concept as blasphemous and analogous to a salvation of works rather than of grace and faith.


3)  Some Christians believe that speaking in tongues is a sign of salvation and occurs after you're saved, as the believers did in the book of Acts.  However, others believe that speaking in tongues today is a work of the devil, and violated Revelation 22:18.


4)  Some Christians believe that the prophecies in the book of Revelation are to be taken literally, (eg. the antichrist and the beast are political figures and the number 666 will be a literal mark on people's heads.)  Others believe that the prophecies in Revelation should be taken symbolically, (eg. the events are spiritual events, not physical events, and the antichrist is Satan in spiritual warfare.)  Still, others believe in interpretations that lie in between.


5)  Some Christians believe that the rapture of believers will occur right before the seven year tribulation in Revelation.  Others believe that it occurs after the tribulation.  Still others believe it occurs during the tribulation.


6)  Some Christians believe, based on Revelation 20, that after the Armageddon happens there will be a thousand year millennial reign with Christ on Earth before heaven and hell are finalized.  Others say that the thousand year millennial reign is a symbolic representation of the fellowship of Christians on Earth from the New Testament era up to now.


7)  Some Christians believe that Babylon the Great Harlot in the book of Revelation represents the material secular world.  Others say that it represents the Roman Catholic Church.  The first century Christians believed that it represented the Roman Empire.


8)  Some Christians believe that you can't lose your salvation, once saved always saved.  Others say you can lose your salvation if you fall away and start to go back to your old lifestyle again.


9)  Catholics believe the transubstination which occurs during their communion ritual represents the genuine body of Christ, and that taking part in that sacrament is required for salvation, while Protestants believe that such a sacrament is blasphemy, and that communion is only a symbolic representation of Christ.


10)  Catholics believe that praying to the Virgin Mary is a good thing and that she answers prayer and helps people.  However, Protestants think that is blasphemy and worshipping false gods.


11)  Some Christians believe that the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is the most accurate one we have, while others prefer the New International Version (NIV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), etc.  Why can't the Holy Spirit lead people to the most accurate translation?


12)  Some Christians believe that salvation is a matter of free will and that God lets it be up to the individual to decide whether they want to become a believer or not.  Others believe in the Calvinistic doctrine of election and predestination, which says that only those who were chosen beforehand will come to God for salvation, because without God drawing people, no one would come to God.  There is ample scriptural evidence to support both these sides.


There are many more doctrinal disputes among Christians, but you get the idea.  You see here now what the Christians, guided by the Holy Spirit in their interpretations of the Bible, come up with?  Why would the Holy Spirit want to cause such disunity among the believers?  I wonder.

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