Table of Contents
Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions
with Salvation and Damnation: The Imponderables
Even as a
Christian, deep
down I knew that there were
many philosophical and moral problems with the central Christian
doctrine that
“the saved go to an eternal paradise but the unsaved go to an
hell”. I knew deep down that no matter how many
rationalizations the
Christians provided for me, it was simply plain unjust no matter how
much you
want to sugar coat it. However, I was afraid to speak of them
for fear of
being punished and seen by other Christians as being immoral and
blasphemous against
God. Now though, I no longer fear making these thoughts
known, so here
they are.
# 1:
The best and most efficient
use of unlimited power?
If God was
all powerful and
had unlimited power, why
would he only be able to reveal himself and help out a small section of
humanity through only one religion? Why would he only talk to
the small
area where Christianity began and spread, and ignore the rest of the
world? If he had unlimited power, wouldn't he have the power
to speak
through and work through all the religions and faiths, as long as the
who followed them sincerely sought him or their own
spirituality? Say you
were God, with all his infinite wisdom and power and understanding, and
someone who sought you for wisdom, spirituality, high morals, etc. was
exposed to Islam or Buddha because of his/her geographical
area. Now,
wouldn’t you want to try to work with him/her through Islam
or Buddhism?
Or would you just say “No I’m not going have
anything to do with you unless you
come to me through a particular religion which lies in a particular
region of
the world”? Which would you do? Why
isolate a small geographical
region when you have the power not to? Would that be either
effective or efficient?
If God could only work and
speak through only one religion, doesn't that
show a God with limited power, instead of a God with unlimited power?
# 2: Variety in all creation?
If God
created everything in
existence, then he must
love and appreciate variety, since there are such a variety of races
humans, species of plant life, species of animals and insects, stones,
etc. So if God loves
and accepts variety among all things in creation,
then why wouldn’t he do the same for the variety of different
religions and
faiths that come up in this world too?
To say that one religion is
true, while all the others are false, would be like saying that one
race of
humans or one breed of animals exists, while the rest do not.
Now that
would be totally absurd and untrue wouldn’t it?
Therefore, shouldn’t we
conclude that there is beauty, truth and divinity within all religions
# 3: Why knowingly go through on a bad horrible
If you
were God, and you
were omnipotent and could see
throughout all time, would you create a world where you knew beforehand
the majority of people in it would end up in an eternal hell? If only
Christians went to heaven and everyone
else went to hell, then that means that since the majority of people in
world throughout weren’t Christians, and the majority of
people now aren't
Christians either, then the majority of people who have ever lived will
end up
in hell’s eternal damnation. Therefore, the
negative consequences would
vastly outweigh the positive. So why bother to create this
world at
all? Wouldn’t it be a bad horrible
investment? Besides, if you were
God, would you want to end up spending an eternity yourself punishing
over and
over the billions of people who ever lived on earth, with fire and
brimstone in
hell? Why would you want to do that? It would be
analogous to
making a business decision that you knew beforehand would put you in
huge debt
# 4: The negative minus 1000 value
of life?
It is
estimated that about
1/5 of people in this world
call themselves Christians. Now, if we given them the benefit
of the
doubt and assume they are all sincere and saved, then consider
Since only saved Christians go to heaven, while the rest go to hell,
then given
a baby born at random into this world would have an 80 percent chance
or higher
of ending up in hell, and a 20 percent chance or lower of ending up in
heaven. This would follow because most people do not end up
Christians in their lifetime, and the number of Christians is about 1
out of 5.5 billion. Now, if the next baby born faced those
odds, wouldn't
it be much better if that baby wasn't born at all? (justification for
abortion?) Why let a
baby come into this world with an 80 percent or
higher chance of ending up being eternally tortured with fire and
In fact, under these conditions, it would be much better for no one to
be born
at all, wouldn’t it? And wouldn't that then give
life itself a minus 1000
value and degrade the point of life altogether?
So based
on the above, could
you imagine if every time
you see a baby being born or someone getting pregnant, rather than
cheering the
beginning of a new life, you thought “Oh
no! There’s another person who
has an 80% chance of burning in hell for an eternity!” Eventually
you’d begin to curse all mothers in general because they keep
bringing into
this world souls that will most likely to be condemned in an eternal
agony and
torture forever and ever! Could you fathom or accept thinking
and doing
that? In fact, why is God even breathing life into every
newborn baby
that comes along if each one of them has an 80% chance of burning in
forever????!!!!! Shouldn’t he stop?!
# 5: The Boy in Africa Scenario
This is
the imponderable
thought I couldn’t get out of
my head that was the final straw that led to my deconversion.
After I
realized that it couldn’t ever be justified, I realized that
there was something
wrong with my faith, and that there HAD to be other answers!
In fact, I
describe it near the end of my story My
Rise to Christianity
and My Transcendence From It.
“That summer I
was able to use my newfound insight
and understanding to re-evaluate the Christian beliefs I had.
While on a
plane on a vacation to Florida, I looked out at the night view below
while we
passed over Houston, Texas and the following thoughts came to my mind:
"There's something very
wrong with Christianity
here. I've known this a long time but was always afraid to
face it.
But since I value integrity of thought and a clear conscience, I might
as well
be honest now and face it no matter how blasphemous it may
be. Now, I
know that according to Christian teaching, billions of people out there
in the
world are going to go to hell because they're sinners and don't even
it. But why is it their fault when they don't even know it
and were born
with it? Sin to the Bible is any imperfection that we have,
but since we
were not born perfect no one can ever be perfect, so then why is it
to send them all to hell for an eternity for something they were born
with? That's like sending Zebras to hell for being born with
stripes! It just doesn't make sense no matter how hard you
try to justify
it. Now let's put myself in the place of a
nonbeliever. Suppose I
was a boy in Africa some time in the past who had lived and died
without ever hearing
the Gospel. This means that no matter how good or bad or
anything I was,
I was guaranteed to go to hell anyway not only because I was never
saved, but
because I was born a sinner as a result of the Fall of Man and never
even knew
it? This means that I would wake up someday before the
judgment throne of
God about to be thrown into hell for something I never even knew
existed, which
was sin. After being thrown into hell, I would be tormented
for billions
and trillions and zillions of years and beyond without end.
All for
something I never even knew existed. This would be the fate
of billions
of people who had lived and died throughout history without being
Now if I were that boy in Africa and had that fate, would I feel that
that was
fair in any way at all? To be honest, I wouldn't feel that
that was fair
in the least bit. In fact I would feel that that was 1000
unfair!!!!!! Something is definitely wrong here.
Something is
inherently not right about Christian theology. I am
absolutely SURE about
that! There's no question about it. There MUST be
other answers out
there somewhere that makes more sense than this! And I fully
intend to
find those answers from here on!"
At that time I knew that
these thoughts I was having
were blasphemous to the Christian faith, but since I was so SURE that
there was
something inherently wrong here, that certainty gave me the courage to
to think these things through. That's when my search for
truth, meaning
and answers began.”
Here is a
little more
elaborated version of it so you
can visualize it more intensely. If everyone who is not a
Christian, no
matter how good, kind, or decent, is going to hell because they are
sinners and
evil, then think this and try to visualize it happening for
real. Say you
are a boy living in Africa centuries ago in a village without Western
or contact. You were a good boy who lived a decent life and
was basically
good. However, there was no way that you could have ever
heard the Gospel
of Christ in your lifetime because the missionaries did not arrive yet
or never
reached you in your lifetime. Therefore, no matter what you
did, no
matter how good you were, you would end up going to hell after you die
because you were born with Adam and Eve’s original sin and
were never
saved. You had no control over any of that too. Now
listen again
closely. Since you
would have had to be 100% perfect and holy to pass
the standard of going to heaven, which is totally impossible even by
Bible's own admission, and you never had the chance to become a
Christian, you
are 100% GUARANTEED to go to hell when you die!
You will have to
spend an eternity in hell, and that means that even after being
tortured for
billions or zillions of years, it still won’t end!
And all because you
were expected to be something you were not even born as, which you
never even
knew about! Furthermore, the good decent life you lived had
significance on all this too. You had a 100% chance of going
to hell for
an eternity, and a 0% chance of going to heaven.
you have every
right to curse your own
mother now, since she brought you into this world to be condemned to
hell for
an eternity. And after zillions of years of torture in hell,
you would
still be cursing your mother’s name for bringing you into
this world!
After all, a zillion years in eternity is nothing, not even a drop of
water in
the ocean! You are stuck in eternal damnation forever and
there is
nothing anyone can do about it. Those are God’s
rules. Your mother
also has every right to feel guilty for it too, since she has brought
into this
world children who will spend eternity in everlasting pain because they
perfect. In fact, since most people on your whole continent
is in the
same predicament you are, it would have been better than none of you
were born,
since all of you will be cursing at all the mothers on your
Whenever a baby is born on your continent, it is just another person
who is
100% guaranteed to go to hell! NOW,
tell me, do you even see
0.0000000000000001% of any sense or justice at all in
Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 6: How would you deal with two
naive innocent children?
If an
omnipotent God knew
that mankind would fall from
grace when he created Adam and Eve, then why would God create the Tree
of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil and put it in the Garden of Eden, knowing
that it
would happen and result in billions of souls spending an eternity in
hell? There is no common sense in expecting that two innocent
children with no life experience, will not touch something that looks
desirable. Isn't that obviously an accident just waiting to
And besides, why should he punish one little mistake of eating the
wrong fruit off
the wrong tree, so harshly? Christian theology teaches that
that one act
of disobedience brought death, disease, and pain into this world, as
well as
the automatic designated eternal damnation of every soul at
That would
be like leaving
your kids in the house
alone, and before leaving, telling them that you were going to put a
gun or a
bottle of delicious looking poison pills in the middle of the table,
but that
they were not to touch or play around with it or they would die. (Is
that what
any parent with the slightest common sense or responsibility or love
do?) And then when your kids manage to kill themselves by
playing with
the gun or eating the bottle of delicious looking poison pills, you say
"Well it was their fault, I told them not to play around with those
dangerous objects, but they chose to disobey it, therefore they paid
consequences for it." Come on now, would anyone sane do
Never mind the insanity, but would that even be just? And
would an all wise, all just, all good parent do such a thing?
Or take
analogy. If you told your two
kids before you left the house "Now you can eat anything in the
refrigerator, but don't touch or eat the cookies in the jar over there"
but then upon returning discover that they had taken a bite of a cookie
that jar, would you then say to your kids "You kids have disobeyed
me! I now officially disown you. You must leave the
house at
once! You will suffer from now on while you're on your
own. You
will not have my blessing or support from here on." Now, can
even fathom or conceive of doing that? Again, would that even
just? And furthermore, would an all wise, all just, all good
parent do
such a thing?
# 7: Adding up the consequences of
1 + 1 = eternity?
the Adam and Eve
story of the Fall of Man,
could you really accept the idea that the cause of all the suffering
and pain
in this world, and the reason billions of people that ever lived will
burn in hell
for an eternity, is simply because two innocent and naive people who
had no
experience in life, ate a piece of fruit off of the wrong
tree? Could you
take that idea seriously and for real? Could you really take
for absolute
truth, something that doesn’t add up even to a thousandth of
a percent?
It would
make no more sense
than sending zebras to
hell for being born with stripes, or sending turtles to hell for being
with shells. It wasn’t their choice. And
God let it happen.
So why then would they deserve spending an eternity in damnation?
On another
note, I know that
in theology, the
strongest argument against the existence of God is the existence of
evil and
suffering. Critics say that the existence of evil and
suffering is
incompatible with the existence of an all powerful, all good
God. They
argue that such a God would not allow evil or unjust suffering in the
world to
exist. A simple explanation for this is that perhaps God is
not all
powerful and so he can’t prevent evil and
suffering. Or perhaps that he
doesn’t want to prevent it because he’s not all
good. However, if the
latter were true, then God might have just done away with all of
mankind long
ago, so perhaps not. On the other hand, Christians answer
this argument
by stating that God did not create evil or suffering, but that man
chose to let
those things come into play because they chose to disobey God in the
Garden of
Eden. They argue that God does not want people to mindlessly
obey him
like robots, so he gave them free will and tested them in the Garden of
Eden. However, if you look at the big picture, you have to
ask, would
giving humans free will be worth the cost of billions of souls in going
to hell
for eternity if you knew these costs beforehand? It just
doesn’t make any
sense any way you look at it.
# 8: Unjust illogical redemption
This one
has been pointed
out to me by other
critics. It makes a lot of sense, though I haven’t
thought it
before. Although Christian evangelists portray
Jesus’ sacrifice on the
cross as an act of love, if you look at it honestly, it
doesn’t seem as
such. It declares that your sins can be paid for by the
sacrifice of
another. However, that just doesn’t make sense and
isn’t even just.
How can one person’s sacrifice annul another
person’s guilt? That would
be like executing an innocent person to free a guilty person who
committed a
crime. It just doesn’t make any sense. In
fact, it wouldn’t even be
justice at all. If you think about it, this becomes obvious.
according to
Christian beliefs, Jesus didn’t
really die anyway. He merely left his body for a while and
returned again
a few days later. So there was no true death in the first
And since he is supposed to be God in flesh, he was immortal anyway and
couldn’t be killed. So what did he lose other than
endure a temporary
period of pain? Also, since Jesus’ death was only
physical, even if that
saved us, it would theoretically only save us from physical death, not
spiritual death. Perhaps the whole Christ crucifixion motif
then, is that
one should allegorically die to one’s body in order to awaken
spirit? If so, many religions and mystics have taught
that. So
perhaps that was Jesus’ true message?
to the Imponderables
fundamentalists have
thoughts like these from
time to time, but then they just put them aside in order to maintain
theology. I know because I used to be one of them.
Now, if you're
one of them, and you think about these things seriously, you will begin
to feel
that what you've been taught can’t represent the ultimate
divine truth, and
that there must be other answers.
During the
years I was a
Christian, I had these
thoughts in the back of mind, but I kept putting them aside.
However, I could
not go day after day, week after week, year after year, with no answers
these questions except that it's simply because God says so and it's
fault. When I faced those questions (especially imponderable
number 5)
head on and seriously, I knew that there was something SERIOUSLY wrong
with the
theology and that there MUST be other answers cause the whole thing in
perspective just did not add up even in a thousandth of a
percent. I was
then determined and filled with resolve to begin my search and inquiry
truth once again. Slowly, I began to understand what people
meant when
they said "All religions are different faces and interpretations of the
same God." and my search led me towards open mindedness, spiritual and
mental enlightenment, and with a peaceful sense of evolution toward a
level of understanding and insightfulness.
For more
philosophical and
moral imponderables about
the Bible and Christian theology, see:
Table of Contents