In the case of James Randi it is FRAUD v FRAUD. The man is a despicable creature who handpicks his subjects. For example,he refuses to test the remarkable people of this world who do not eat, they only drink water. His response to this is that it would cost too much to supervise an event and make sure the person being tested does not break free and nip into KFC. That is just ONE example. His whole forum is loused up with degenerates, paid liars, MKultra victims and fearful dummies. EVERY 'debwunking site' was spawned from that site. Mark Roberts, who has now retired, was its main exponent of 'debwunking'. The actual forum itself was set up in August 2001(how convenient). These days it appears to be suffering a backlash, people are leaving this 'virtual cabal' in droves. Go and see for yourself and you will be presented with a mass sock puppetry campaign. Check the date some of them joined and the posts they have made.
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