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Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan? : Religion / Theology • SCEPCOP Forum

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Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan?

Discussions Religion and Theology, Scriptures, Bible Debate, etc.

Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan?

Postby Scepcop » 20 Nov 2014, 19:48

Do rock stars sell their soul to the devil or to Satan? Why did Bob Dylan say below that he sold his soul to the devil for his success?

Katy Perry says the same thing:

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Re: Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan?

Postby Scepcop » 20 Nov 2014, 19:49

Documentary series: They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll

Playlist for all four parts:

Check out this chilling video of clips from people close to Elvis Presley who testify that he had Satanic powers.

Satanic messages revealed in the hit song "Stairway to Heaven" played backwards, demonstrated by Christian minister.

The Satanic meaning behind "Hotel California".

“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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Re: Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan?

Postby SydneyPSIder » 29 Nov 2014, 21:38

All crap. Who is 'Satan'? Just hysterical American religious commentaries and convenient misinterpretations of random things a few singers said. Bob Dylan was coyly referencing the Judeo-Christian 'God', not Satan, and the Elvis remarks were almost meaningless.

Here you go, it's all true, someone on the internet said so:

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Re: Do Rock Stars sell their soul to the Devil or Satan?

Postby Emily » 12 Dec 2014, 08:50

You can't sell your soul to something that doesn't exist.
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