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Caesar's Messiah - How Jesus was invented by the Romans

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Re: Caesar's Messiah - How Jesus was invented by the Romans

Postby Scepcop » 14 Feb 2014, 17:12

Check out this History Channel documentary about how the Roman Emperor Constantine used the idea behind the pagan cult of Mithra to create the modern version of Christianity. The investigation team goes to Rome and uncover compelling archaeological and architectural evidence to support this. The similarities and parallels between Mithra and Jesus are striking and uncanny.

I guess the logical conclusion here is that since the Romans were unable to destroy Christianity, they decided to infiltrate it and use it for it's own purposes of political control instead. So they created a version of it that would suit their interests.

Also check out this long 3 hour documentary on the first 1,000 years of Christianity. It's very interesting and covers a lot of history.

Here is the sequel documentary on the second 1,000 years of Christianity. It's also nearly 3 hours long.
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Re: Caesar's Messiah - How Jesus was invented by the Romans

Postby Scepcop » 18 Mar 2014, 20:48

I think it's too much of a stretch to claim that Jesus never existed. It is way too implausible that someone who never existed and was simply "made up" could spawn a religion that endured three centuries of Roman persecution, became the official mandated religion in all of Europe during the Middle Ages, and is now the world's most popular religion. Something made up, fabricated or hoaxed, could not have accomplished all that. Deep down, people can feel the difference between truth and falsehoods. This is why hoaxes don't tend to go very far. So I think this theory is far too much of a stretch and highly implausible.

Plus, claiming that someone never existed is an extreme claim, and unprovable as well. One cannot prove a negative. It is more probable that a historical Jesus existed, but that his message was subverted down the line by those wishing to use it for political control, such as Emperor Constantine, who most likely created the orthodox version of Christianity by combining Jesus' teachings with pagan rituals and Roman hierarchical structures into what became the Roman Catholic Church. Thus, the version of Jesus given by the church today is likely not the same as the historical Jesus. Most neutral objective historians hold this view as well.
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