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Cure for Cancer

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Cure for Cancer

Postby ProfWag » 28 Jan 2012, 06:17

Is anyone out there familiar with recent developments of the drug DCA? (My info comes from a couple years ago.) From what I'm gathering, no one is interested in marketing it because it's such a cheap drug, there's no money to be made by pharma's, yet it has a world of potential in cancer research. Just curious. Not trying to start some anti homeoopathic discussion or anything.
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Re: Cure for Cancer

Postby Arouet » 28 Jan 2012, 06:39

wiki seems to suggest that research is on going by governments. Indeed it looks like it can't be patentable so it makes it less attractive to drug companies.
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Re: Cure for Cancer

Postby jacksdosen » 07 Feb 2012, 23:42

Cure, in the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, scientists have found. Treatment of chloroacetic acid, a drug used to treat metabolic disorders. Because it is so simple, it has no side effects, without patents. Therefore, it is relatively inexpensive (at least in the current approach to cancer therapy), rather than against it is actually a cure for cancer. Hope is an independent company, can improve the urgent needs of patients cured and manufacturing.
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