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Green Eggs & SPAM

10 Dec 2011, 11:27

Ok, I know the management team keeps trying to thwart the spammers but it's really getting to be ridiculous not to mention overly insulting to one's mind. Is there anyway we can return the favor and post random horse shit on the web sites these clowns keep coming here to tout? Can we give them a really mean virus or worm or some such to devastate their PC in a way that let's them know that forum spamming ain't wise to do?

Sorry, I've had a long day, I come here to relax believe it or not, only to find old threads usurped by non-intelligible posts and long posts talking about the weather and some kind of real estate deal :roll: :roll: :roll:

It's time to get far more aggressive with these jack-offs :x :evil:

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

12 Dec 2011, 04:22

I'm cleaning up the spam crap now.

I've been away from the computer for the last few days. The hubs got bit by some creepy crawler and it hasn't been pretty. Let's just say that if he were a horse, I'd have shot him by now. He's starting to recover but it's been a slow process. At least he can hobble around the house now without help.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

12 Dec 2011, 23:04

I still say you need to send a very vicious virus straight back at whoever is doing this. Let them feel violated for a change.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

12 Dec 2011, 23:06

Might as well leave the spam - its the only traffic the site is getting right now! :)

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

13 Dec 2011, 23:36

True. . . I think Scepcop has run out of Conspiracy Garbage to throw at us at the moment :lol:

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

14 Dec 2011, 06:42

Hate to say it, but this forum is essentially dead. Several members here (including) scepcop are also members of Skeptiko. Hate to pimp another forum but figured I'd do so openly before it dies for good - scepcop's a member there too, though he doesn't post often.

Anyhow, if this forum really does sputter its last pixel, then I hope to see everyone over there so we can continue conversing!

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 02:14

Only one problem with Skeptico. . .

I can't for the life of me find where to register. . . all sorts of log-in points but no referral to sign-up???

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 05:22

Think this is where it is:

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 05:23

Sorry. The only thing that I can do is delete and ban them, one spammer ass at a time.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 08:40

As unfair as it is, if you want a lively forum, you'll have to completely ban the skeptics. Most psychic people and even a lot of proponents that I know of won't go near a forum where skeptics are allowed to comment. It's not fun having to defend yourself all the time and rehash all the same arguments.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 11:00

Depends on the forum. This is a forum dedicated to attacking skeptic arguments. If you ban skeptics then you are saying you just want to bash skeptics without any response.

SCEPCOP and Skeptiko are two sites that encourage skeptics and proponents to debate. Skeptiko is thriving. I think Winston has lost interest in this site, so its dwindled.

I think I missed the hey day of this forum, I joined just as a bunch of both skeptic and proponent regs apparently decided to leave. Not sure what prompted it. Anyone know?

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 11:04

The skeptics on this site come expecting to be attacked - its in the forum title. Frankly, I much prefer to hang out on a site where there are people who disagree with me. How much fun is it saying "I agree" all the time?

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 12:32

I also post on a couple of skeptic-free sites. It's about sharing and discussing things with like minded people. Psychic types are a sensitive lot and don't like the constant criticism and questioning. People talk about stuff that they won't share with skeptics. I need that too. I need to be able to talk about the really weird stuff with people who will not only accept it, but shed some light on the subject or share similar experiences.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 13:46

Sure, and there is a place for that kind of conversation, and plenty of websites to cater to it. But this forum was put together to discuss skeptical critiques of parapsychology and the like. Look at the title: Scientific Committee to Evaluate PseudoSkeptical Criticism of the Paranormal.

Just like Skeptiko was created specifically to invite skeptics and proponents to come together and discuss the evidence for psi. They created a subforum "the Haven" to have the conversations that you're talking about, but the main forum and the podcasts invite the debate.

Re: Green Eggs & SPAM

15 Dec 2011, 21:51

Oh I understand all that. But nothing is happening here because that type of discussion is going on at Skeptico which has a robust and diverse group of polite people from both sides.

Building up this forum is going to require that it be unique in some way that sets it apart. It was just a suggestion on my part.
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