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Noah's Ark Found!!!! : Ancient Mysteries and Places / Forbidden Archaeology - Page 2 • SCEPCOP Forum

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Noah's Ark Found!!!!

Discuss Ancient Mysteries and Places - Atlantis, The Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. Also Forbidden Archaeology.

Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Craig Browning » 10 May 2010, 20:28

I caught a wonderful Nat Geo program last night called "Ancient Atlantis" which shines some very cool light on the whole Flood story and how so many actually do coincide to the same time periods. It was quite interesting, I'd recommend y'all check it out.

The other one that was quite cool dealt with the death of Egypt's Old Kingdom... a massive drought that destroyed much of the entire region (I think that was on the "Green" network though... they're really out to push climate change cycles from antiquity. I underline the word "cycles" because it seems to fit closer to what a good number of researchers are seeing, the more they refine their studies around the subject. That's not to say we need to continue with the resource abuse as we've done the past 150ish years, but it does mean that "we" aren't the only cause behind what's happening.

I don't know, when it comes to the whole climate change stuff, I can't help but feel we're on Krypton sometimes... :twisted:
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 11 May 2010, 23:26

In the spirit of making things up I offer this video. It's a rare thing for me to do, but it seemed fitting.

At least this is a short video.
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