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dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

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dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

Postby ciscop » 20 Mar 2010, 10:38

what a stupid bunch of religious dumbasses

they are about to kill a guy that make predictions
althought i believe he is full of crap
he is entitled of being full of crap

freedom of speech all the way.. even for dumbasses..
that makes me angry! ... 2010-03-18
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

Postby Nostradamus » 20 Mar 2010, 16:05

I've been listening to reports of this travesty of justice for a while. It's appalling that Saudi Arabia is allowed to apply its religious fanaticism to people from other countries.
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Re: dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

Postby Craig Browning » 20 Mar 2010, 22:30

I know it's hard to believe but take a look at the various news articles over the past twenty-five years in the U.S. You will find hundreds of incidents in which American Religious Radicals have harassed non-christian families (including Buddhist, Native Americans, Hindus... not just the Wiccan types) out of their communities, had their children pulled from their homes via Children's services, numerous physical hate crimes, etc.

When I was working in the Nashville area there was one country preacher on the Radio that started his own crusade against the local Psychics; simply because he'd heard about my show and how I (according to him) employ Satanic powers to manipulate people and reach into their unprotected minds, stealing whatever information I wanted... Trust me, I'd love to know what that level of ability would be like but as far as I've seen, it ain't going to happen anytime soon :lol: And unless Satan changed his name to Nelson, Corinda, Annemann, Cassidy or Earle I have serious doubts he was lending me this "power" Nonetheless a hot on fire ignoramus for Jeeezus managed to destroy the livelihood of over a dozen people while placing a large faction of the community in fear of being seen in or around New Age type businesses.

I recall one situation during this time in which a lady shows up with her head covered, etc. She'd parked her car several blocks away and all sorts of other antics so as to prevent anyone from know she was coming to see me... she was a school teacher who could literally lose her job if anyone found out.

During the Reagan and both Bush administrations this kind of trepidation was common; a subtle sense of what life was like during the days of the Inquisition or, more recently, the McCarthy era... but such is the kind of "Freedom" our Republican fellows wants this nation to know :lol:
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Re: dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

Postby ciscop » 21 Mar 2010, 01:56

i dont think is the same as killing a ¨sorcerer¨

there is no such thing as a sorcerer to start with..
is just a fool that believes he does it for real

i dont think he should die for it

religions are trully the evil of the world
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: dumb arabs are killing a sorcerer

Postby Craig Browning » 22 Mar 2010, 00:10

Anytime you have a situation in which a "cult" based mentality exists, be it a religion or trade union (remember that socialist union in Germany a few years back?) fanaticism can ruin the original intent... this is especially so when human ego and the lure of power (influence) over others starts oozing into things. History shows us all kinds of examples where this has been the cause of horrid acts of inhumanity or outrageous disrespect (such as the destruction of the Buddhas in Afghanistan a couple of years ago).

The UTNE Reader had an article in it some years ago (I'd have to say it was at least 12 or so years now) in which a magician took a tour through the Pacific Islands with the intent of doing street magic as a way to support himself during his travels, etc. He however came into a situation that was totally unexpected; literal threats on his life made by the local Shaman because the magic he was doing on the streets (Sponge Balls, Cups & Balls, etc.) was superior to what the Shaman could demonstrate; the Shaman seeing his actions as a challenge for territory... a very common thing that's been practiced for mellennia in these "remote" areas of the planet.

This magic student managed to turn these circumstances into a serious learning experience as well as being an important source when it comes to how a large part of world culture -- those that live outside the Western influence as well as those surviving in the more rural areas of society -- hold to a belief and perspective towards "magic" most of us can't comprehend. But when we step back and consider this, we can see why situations such as this article speak of, happens. But at the same time, we owe it to both, ourselves and the idea behind what a Sorcerer or "Wizard" is and is not; something few ever consider.

For most of us such entities are persons that can wave a hand and make unusual things happen or cause demons to appear, etc. These are the conjurers of fantasy not what they were in reality. But then we could look at a character like Merlin and when weighed against "reality" see just how his "magic" was little other than an understanding of engineering (physics) principles and psychology. He was very matter of fact about things and yet most everything he is said to have accomplished hosts a rather simple explanation by today's standards... but then, that's the rub, isn't it?

As I've pointed out before, knowing the secret behind the magician's tricks does not make the manifestation any less magical or "fake" as some would say. This is the case of Wizardry; we might have learned some of their secrets but that does not neuter how they were perceived and why... nor the sense of prowess they held as the end result of this perception. What we are missing however, especially when it comes to someone like Merlin who may very well have existed (just not as we've been lead to believe via the novels) are the other actions that create enchantment and thus, legend; his manner of charm or charisma, grace, general wisdom and manner of counsel. These are the things that establish someone as a "Wise-ard" (as it was seen in the old tongue); a kind of shaman who's had a bit more formal indoctrination and training. In the case of Merlin we are looking at the Druidic traditions and the fact that the name was actually a title, not a single person. This is probably why we can find a Merlin (akin to a high Bishop to a given region) that seems younger in one era than the Merlin of previous generations (one of Merlin's more noted traits was to age backwards, from old to young).

Understanding these things and the other odds & ends that sustain the points I'm striving to emphasize here, allows us to better accept the "Magick" offered up by such entities past and present; seeing it as "real" but only due to perspective. ;)
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