by SydneyPSIder » 20 Feb 2014, 04:52
Good answers from 'the lepper'.
However, there is a question over whether fluoride ingested longterm increases BMD but also increases brittleness of bones by disrupting the enzymes that make collagen, thus increasing the odds of a bone fracture in old age -- 1/4 of falls in the elderly involving breakages results in their death.
The claim has been made that fluoride interferes with the activity of 26 different enzymes in the human body, all necessary for normal functioning.
Israel has just stopped fluoridating, claiming that the claimed benefits of fluoridation are 'old science' -- where old science is a codeword for wrong science, presumably. Spokespeople for European countries which do not fluoridate expressly say it is not the job of the water supply utilities to medicate the public, that has to be done by individual informed consent.
Fluoridation can also be considered 'mass medication', no matter how benevolent it is meant to be. This violates the Nuremburg Doctrine established after WWII as the best statement of the requirement for informed consent around medical interventions, which can be considered to trump Jeremy Bentham's 'greater good' doctrine of utilitarianism from the 18th century.
One major reason for adopting the Nuremburg Doctrine as a decision-making tool is the prospect of unknown adverse side effects from any medical intervention or indeed deliberately concealed side effects by moneyed vested interests.