I can't see how that is a reliable way to look into things. Especially when I'm not an expert myself. The scientific method is currently the most reliable method that we know of for determining what is real. It is far from perfect and no guarantee, but currently it gives us our best odds at figuring out what's going on.
However, the scientific method doesn't really apply to learning about the old masters and shamans etc. It doesn't help us analyse our experiences while we meditate (except from a physiological perspective). Or any of the other techniques that Craig B recommends. Just "going with it" may lead to cool experiences and I have no doubt that it will. But how do we then evaluate those experiences. I may feel like I "get it" but why should I trust those feelings. i can believe that Craig B and Craig W "get it" but why should I trust those conclusions? We need a manner of reliably analysing the experiences. otherwise they get relegated to "interesting" and that's about it.
For examples; several proponents have recommended to skeptics to take certain drugs and that they will then have insights and feel their place in the universe and the universal connection, etc. i don't doubt I might feel that too. But how do I trust my interpretation of that feeling?
I'm not being difficult here. I think its an important issue that often gets glossed over.