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cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ?? : General Discussions • SCEPCOP Forum

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cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ??

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cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ??

Postby brett » 14 Aug 2009, 19:15

first some definitions for those not sure : links here :

cognitive dissonance : http://tip.psychology.org/festinge.html

somebody else's problem field : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somebody_Else%27s_Problem

and the particularly telling sentence in the latter is this :

" an SEP is something we can't see, or don't see, or our brain doesn't let us see, because we think that it's somebody Else's problem.... The brain just edits it out, it's like a blind spot. If you look at it directly you won't see it unless you know precisely what it is. Your only hope is to catch it by surprise out of the corner of your eye. "

now readers of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy will probably ( although it may be an infinite improbability that our sKeptical brethren will ) understand where i am going with this .

anyways to the point . and that is WHY ? is it that the Pskeptic will accept or propose ANY solution ( including some that are actually MORE incredible than the phenomena they are debunking - the "levitating ashtray " comes to mind , long saga but a classic piece of debunking BUNK first discussed on skeptics uk :lol: :lol: , so i wont go there ) - than accept that ( or even consider in many cases ) what is actually being reported actually happened ??

proof i hear them chorus !! - well yes proof would be nice in all cases but a lot of the time phenomena can be a one off event - and as sods law would have it - it happens when there is no recording equipment OTHER than the good old Mk 1 eyes and brain available - this is why its called "anomalous " ( Deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule. )

any ways i digress : so do PsKeptics have their own sort of SEP field ?? - do they NOT see the possible , because THEN it becomes just one more thing they have to be skeptical about ? and thus "their problem " :lol:

and if you have absolutely NOOOO idea what the heck i am talking about here - then go get yourself a copy of the hitchhikers guide ( a trilogy in 4 parts ) and sit down and read it - the universe will make a whole lot more sense to you by the time you have finished ;) **

* and you may want to get a stiff drink as well ;) - i can recommend a pan galactic gargleblaster - knock your socks off :o
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Re: cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ??

Postby Student of Sophia » 14 Aug 2009, 22:15

Have you seen this? No pun indented. :P

Student of Sophia
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Joined: 01 Aug 2009, 23:37

Re: cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ??

Postby NinjaPuppy » 14 Aug 2009, 22:28

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Re: cognitive dissonance or the SEP field effect ??

Postby brett » 14 Aug 2009, 22:52

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