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Postby jakesteele » 27 Jul 2009, 03:00

I don't know if this has been posted before or if any of you are aware of it or not. This was the first time I became aware of it and it chilled me to the bone. If this isn't the Thought and Speech Control Police, nothing is. It reminds me of the Hitler Youth Brigade. :o They are attacking our mythology, i.e., Star Wars, etc. and would actually like to have it gone along with many other things.

They have a media watchdog group that tries to put pressure on broadcasting companies:
1. "Assembling an email database of "media watchdogs" willing to exert grassroots pressure on media conglomerates in response to paranormal and pseudoscientific programming. (Email: to join)>
2. Numerous op-ed submissions to newspapers by Council members advocating a more balanced portrayal of science by the media.
3. Creating a Media Stock Fund, an effort to acquire stock in large media conglomerates in a hope to leverage sound scientific programming.

Main CSI home page -

Reviews section in general -

Star Wars article -

What I find incredible about this is that these are the people that lament about the Dark Ages suppressed and banned certain teaching and how the Era of Enlightenment saved the world, and now they want to do a modern day version of the same thing.

Well, upon further thought, I guess it doesn't surprise me all that much. Just hope they don't go after "The Stand" and other post-apocalyptic movies. Gotta love those mutants. :roll:
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Postby Purple Scissor » 31 Jul 2009, 05:57

That's a big problem. People not only do not know how radical skepticism operates, but will not believe it when you tell them. It is so unbelievable that it does not sink in. If you immerse them in an environment of radical skepticism for a while, pretty soon they are saying exactly what you told them to begin with, but at first they say (to quote) "somebody's been in the trenches too long."
Purple Scissor
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Postby jakesteele » 31 Jul 2009, 11:03

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. I like to debate with them and I am constantly amazed at how fundamentalist they are in their thinking; black and white, all or nothing thinking. They are just like religious fundamentalist and they don't even get it. It's like pseudoism and regular fundamentalism are each other's evil twins that were separated at birth. :twisted:
Debunkers think all UFO photos are fake,
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