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New Mysterianism - (adjunct to Concious Universe)

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New Mysterianism - (adjunct to Concious Universe)

Postby jakesteele » 06 May 2010, 03:35

I was intrigued by the thread:
Why the scientists won't accept the Conscious Universe Model

It got me to thinking. I don’t believe in God(s) per se, but I do believe that “Existence” or “The Totality” is aware of itself and has purpose and intent. Years ago I read all of The Teachings of Don Jaun books and they became my bible. In Tales of power Don Juan explains things to Carlos and tells him that ‘everything’ consists of three aspects: 1. The known (computers, forums, chairs, Volkswagens, etc.) 2. The unknown (that which can and is becoming known) 3. The incomprehensible, which can never be comprehended or apprehended by our clever ape brains. I am really a big fan of the New Mysterianism philosophy. Below are some of the key concepts that explain this world view.

Anybody else read up on them and if so, what are your thoughts?


Cognitive closure (philosophy)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cognitive closure refers to the possibility that certain problems cannot be explained by the human mind. In philosophy of science some have adopted the position that some problems are forever outstanding, and not because their solutions do not exist, but rather because the solutions cannot be properly conceived. This philosophical position is also sometimes called transcendental naturalism, Anti-constructive naturalism, or New Mysterianism. It proposes that the human mind is unavoidably biased, or "closed" in some areas of thinking, and so these areas then are forever mysteries. The most prominent defender of the cognitive closure thesis is philosopher Colin McGinn.[1

The term cognitive closure has been defined as to "a desire for definite knowledge on some issue and the eschewal of confusion and ambiguity."[1] Need for closure is a phrase used by psychologists to describe an individual’s desire for a firm solution as opposed to enduring ambiguity.
Need For Closure Scale (NFCS)
The need for closure varies across individuals, situations, and cultures. A person with a high need for closure prefers order and predictability and is decisive and close minded. This person also feels discomfort from ambiguity.[2] Someone rating low on need for closure will express more ideational fluidity and emit more creative acts.

New Mysterianism is a philosophical position proposing that the hard problem of consciousness will never be explained; or at the least cannot be explained by the human mind at its current evolutionary stage. The unresolvable problem is how to explain sentience and qualia and their interaction with consciousness.
The "old mysterians" were not a discrete intellectual movement, but rather thinkers throughout history who have put forward a position that some aspects of consciousness may not be knowable or discoverable. They include Gottfried Leibniz, Samuel Johnson, and Thomas Huxley. Huxley wrote, "How it is that anything so remarkable as a state of consciousness comes about as a result of irritating nervous tissue, is just as unaccountable as the appearance of the Djinn, when Aladdin rubbed his lamp." [6, p. 229, quote]
Owen Flanagan noted in his 1991 book Science of the Mind that some modern thinkers have suggested that consciousness may never be completely explained. Flanagan called them "the new mysterians" after the rock group Question Mark and the Mysterians.[1] The term "New Mysterianism" has been extended by some writers to encompass the wider philosophical position that humans do not have the intellectual ability to solve many hard problems, not just the problem of consciousness, at a scientific level. This position is also known as anti-constructive naturalism.
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