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Noah's Ark Found!!!! : Ancient Mysteries and Places / Forbidden Archaeology • SCEPCOP Forum

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Noah's Ark Found!!!!

Discuss Ancient Mysteries and Places - Atlantis, The Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. Also Forbidden Archaeology.

Noah's Ark Found!!!!

Postby ciscop » 28 Apr 2010, 13:57

For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 28 Apr 2010, 20:31

Isn't it weird that a Christian group used carbon dating. It's weird because it implies this group believes in it and that makes the world older than whatever a fundamentalist group would like. Anyways 4800 years ago is 2800BC which puts the date right in the 2nd dynasty in Egypt. That would put the flood cutting right across a continuous civilization.
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 28 Apr 2010, 20:42

If you look at the photos that have been released by the group you see cramped little areas which look more like spartan human lodgings rather than a place for animals. The dimensions shown are small.
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 28 Apr 2010, 21:02

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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby ProfWag » 28 Apr 2010, 22:25

Ah damn, and here I was ready to go to church on Sunday with proof of the flood. Oh well, I guess I'll give what I was going to put in the offering to those in need instead.
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby ciscop » 29 Apr 2010, 00:09

that was a quick one to fall down

what i find kind of interesting
was that it was a team of chinese and turkish evangelist???

well.. too bad
it was exciting thinking it could happened at least for one night
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 29 Apr 2010, 06:19

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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Craig Browning » 29 Apr 2010, 20:14

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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 29 Apr 2010, 21:42

Craig what is interesting is that Ararat is a volcano that last went off in 1840.

I've been to some creationist talks and they get really defensive about the flood tale, because they know it's the weakest link in the chain. There is no evidence of a global flood. There is no source for the water. Not everything is lost when going to one of these sessions in which I have to avoid smirking at the claims.

In the talks they point to the Chinese treasure ships. The size of the ships is in dispute, but the claim is that someof the ships were 400 feet in length making them the biggest wooden ships ever built.

These ships are listed under the unconfirmed category.

Also here
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Craig Browning » 30 Apr 2010, 23:53

Wow... those articles seem to sustain much of what I've heard and read about over the years.

I did forget to mention another legend about big barge like boats... but then anyone that's studied the Book of Mormon should know it :twisted:

No, given how many times the christian community (and sometimes the Jewish antiquities body) have been taken in by deliberate deceptions, such as the famed Pomegranate from Salomon's Temple or the yet argued burial box of "James brother of Jesus" (found in a cache of other austuaries tied to the same family... or so it would seem)... then again, the same "antiques dealer" seems to be tied to both :lol: Even the bible... the actual book... remains in dispute from within the theological and scholarly ranks of "the Church" (Christianity as a whole), so how can any genuine validity exist, even when the tome which serves as its cornerstone, remains in debate some 1700 years (give or take a few decades here and there) after the earliest attempts of making it into a single text?

There's not one single first century document that's been accepted as "true" (whatever that means) in existence, the earliest fragments of the oldest accepted Gospel (Mark) are but copies of copies of copies some 150+ years after the fact. Even Paul's personal mail (that's become scripture) isn't original with him but rather copies of copies all of it with some grotesque errors, additions, twists & turns, etc.

:? This is something that really gets me a bit bent
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 01 May 2010, 06:46

It's my understanding that the gospels were written by people that were not there. They are not copies of earlier authors, but the words of people who were not there to witness the events. The accounts from the 4 gospels differ somewhat. I can't remember what is considered to be the historical order, but the earliest of the 4 accounts is simpler with greater embellishments in the last of the 4. Isn't that how a story goes?
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby ciscop » 01 May 2010, 07:28

there was a documentary
pretty neat
called the ¨god who wasnt there¨

here is the part in question

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 668420724#
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 01 May 2010, 08:15

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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Craig Browning » 01 May 2010, 14:24

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Re: Noah's arc found!!!!

Postby Nostradamus » 01 May 2010, 19:42

I watched the video and it appeared to be really interesting - possibly quite factual. How odd for an online video? Who would have thought that was possible?
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