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Postby antiskeptic » 26 May 2009, 14:03

I applaud the formation of SCEPCOP. I have been saying that we need an anti-skeptic movement for a long time. (which is why I chose the name that I did) As soon as I heard about this organization I jumped at the chance to sign up and contribute to this forum. I have a passionate dislike for the skeptic movement and I think that it is very important to have an organization like SCEPCOP to protect the proponents of alternative academia (for lack of me being able to think up a better phrase to encompass everything that I want to encompass) so that these proponents can be free to do their work rather than having to spend so much time defending themselves from mean-spirited, unfair, and dishonest attacks from the skeptic movement. It always bothered me that there were so many proponents of these alternative areas complaining about how our general society or the experts in certain areas are not treating their specific claims fairly, but no organization dedicated to exposing the general truth that the skeptic mindset (spearheaded by the skeptic movement) has infected so many aspects of our society as to cause this general problem of closed-minded unfairness that affects so many different areas of alternative academia. Hopefully, SCEPCOP can fill that void. Once again, congratulations on the formation of SCEPCOP and I hope that I can contribute as well as I can to these forums with my passionate anti-skepticism.
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Re: Applause!

Postby Scepcop » 26 May 2009, 19:54

Dear Anti-Skeptic,

I applaud you for appreciating what SCEPCOP stands for and why I formed it. You nailed it right on the head.

As for now, this "organization" or "group" is merely a statement of protest against skeptics and their suppression of truth and censorship. I am not sure what direction it will go or what active role it can take in this field. I don't have the resources to publish a real magazine like CSICOP does, unless others come and help make that possible. I'm just one person with limited time and resources, so there's only so much I can do, unless others come along and contribute. But hey, I'm open to any new ideas.

I think if this group has a role, it will come and evolve naturally. Already I've had paranormal magazines like Atlantis Rising and Fate offer to publish some excerpts from the treatise.

For now, we are merely an information resource on the web. So feel free to contribute any articles or links. You can post them in the forum and if they are significant, I'll put them on the home page.

Many thanks for your appreciation and common cause.

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Re: Applause!

Postby antiskeptic » 27 May 2009, 10:00

Thanks, Vistonas. I definitely think that there is the potential for growth of SCEPCOP. Maybe you could eventually start a show or a podcast or something. I will be on the lookout for dishonorable behavior by the skeptics. If there is something that I can do to help, just ask. I don't know how much help I will be able to be, as I hear you on not having enough time to do a whole lot, but maybe if you can get enough people to do a little you could get a significant amount accomplished. Once again, congratulations on starting up this website.

Oh, by the way, that link to the Skeptic's Guide podcast where you were discussed does not work anymore...
No one knows how old the human race is exactly, but we can all agree that we should be old enough to know better.
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Re: Applause!

Postby Scepcop » 27 May 2009, 21:30

Thanks Antiskeptic. Some earlier asked me if I was going to start a magazine, as a counter to Skeptical Inquirer. I would love to, but it would take a big investment and it would be like full time work doing all the investigative work for such a magazine. I'd need a staff of people to do it.

I could start a show on or something. But I've never done that kind of thing before. It'd be something to consider though. I have a friend who is great at interviewing people, but he isn't in the mood right now. So I've just linked the Skeptiko podcast to the home page for now.

If you want to help, just spread the word to your paranormalist friends about SCEPCOP, and ask them for ideas.

Also if you have an article or link that's really relevant, you can post it and I may include it on the home page if it's significant.

I don't know what happened to the link to my podcast on skeptics guide to the universe. Maybe it moved or they removed it. Did you search for my name in their search box? All they do there is ridicule others anyway.
“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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Re: Applause!

Postby antiskeptic » 28 May 2009, 06:35

I found it. It is in episode #141. I had to search through the shows, but I found it. You're right, they are very mean-spirited people. Typical skeptics.
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Re: Applause!

Postby Scepcop » 29 May 2009, 08:30

By the way antiskeptic, I have an idea. If you have a list of lies by the skeptics, we could put them together in a webpage and link it to the home page as a feature link! That would help expose their flat lies!

Are most of the people in the mind-energy forum skeptics or open minded paranormalists?
“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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Re: Applause!

Postby antiskeptic » 29 May 2009, 10:17

That sounds like a good idea. I may start to read some more of the skeptic posts on their blogs. If we could get some other people to try to keep reading the skeptic blogs when they come out we might all be able to contribute a little bit and put together quite a database on dishonorable skeptic behavior...
No one knows how old the human race is exactly, but we can all agree that we should be old enough to know better.
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