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hi all :)

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hi all :)

Postby evoasbo » 18 Aug 2009, 04:56

hi all :)


recently after a few "strange" things happened to me (and some in the past), ive been searching as much of the subjects discussed in this forum, but not agreeing with any sides of the debate psuedoskeptic<->evangelic views (for want of a better term)

my first port of call was james randi and after watching "james randi speeks" i just thought he was a bit pompis and arrogant and found myself not realy taking to the man even if his views may have been correct, then dawkins and the like. but still i didnt agree with some of the things they were saying (as has been pointed out in many topics on this site). my common sense just wouldnt let me trust in what they were saying (dismissing things so easily)

then i came across a book called "will storr vs the supernatural" a recommended read for anyone intrested in these things!! then "old souls" again highly recomended, then i found it the holy grail :) "entageled minds" finaly the voice of commen sense,reason and healthy skeptisim. which through dean radins blog has lead me to this site.

so look forward to discussing many of these subjects with truely open minded skeptics :)

p.s. the most common sense for me has come from a strange place, a quote "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense" - Buddha

p.p.s i apologise for the spelling and grammer it never has been my strong point :) :lol:
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Re: hi all :)

Postby NinjaPuppy » 18 Aug 2009, 05:08

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Re: hi all :)

Postby The Warrigal » 18 Aug 2009, 15:40

Hi! :)
The Warrigal
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Re: hi all :)

Postby Scepcop » 22 Aug 2009, 12:44

Welcome Evoasbo!

Where on Radin's blog did you find out about this site? Can I see it?

What are the highlights of the book "Entangled Minds"? Have you also read his book "The Conscious Universe"?

Where are you from?

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Re: hi all :)

Postby Scepcop » 22 Aug 2009, 13:16

“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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