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Hi all

Postby sunset » 16 Aug 2009, 05:21

Hello everyone

I'm a newbie ( if u didnt already ) I got the link to here from Facebook and I am looking forward to reading the threads here, your site looks interesting so I am pleased to be here!

I love EVERYTHING to do with the paranormal, it has always been my interest from my teens ( No..I will not reveal my ) I am looking forward to getting to know you all and reading your posts and of course, when i can, will contribute anyway I can...

Thanky! x
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Joined: 15 Aug 2009, 22:38

Re: Hi all

Postby NinjaPuppy » 16 Aug 2009, 05:30

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Re: Hi all

Postby The Warrigal » 16 Aug 2009, 05:43

Welcome! :)
The Warrigal
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Re: Hi all

Postby Scepcop » 16 Aug 2009, 20:58

Welcome sunset.

I guess you saw my post in one of the facebook groups.

I'll never understand the appeal of social networking sites though. They seem to be a fad or a bit cultish too. But I see very little practical use for them. If you want to keep in touch with your friends, why not just use email? Why do you need a facebook or myspace? Some of the features on them are pure crap. And myspace is very annoying. Facebook at least is easy on the eyes and looks professional in its layout.

As for Twitter, I don't see why that's a fad or a popular social media tool, since it's a piece of sh** I think. What's the point to "following" someone and reading one or two sentences that they write each day? What a tedious waste of time. If I wanted to follow someone who was worth following, I'd email them or visit their site or blog, sheesh. Why use a piece of crap like twitter?

I'll never understand why the mass population is so dumb and has such stupid tastes. Sheesh.
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Re: Hi all

Postby leo100 » 20 Aug 2009, 04:36

Welcome sunset!!!
Posts: 53
Joined: 21 May 2009, 23:22

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