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Introduce yourself here!


Postby Laurie » 17 Jul 2012, 02:49

Hello everyone. I'm not new to forums, nor to forums which discuss and debate UFO's, the Paranormal, and other oddities of our (this particular) universe. However, I like the sound, and the look of this site. I haven't subscribed to such an site with these topics, for a year or two now. (I'm a Libran, so you will have to forgive for not being more precise on the timeline). lol

I have had some considerable experiences with the above mentioned topics throughout my life, and I would like to share some of them with you all; and particularly, I should like to read about your own experiences, also.

Thank you for listening, er... reading. :)
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Re: Hello...

Postby NinjaPuppy » 17 Jul 2012, 02:55

Welcome. It's nice to see some newbies around here. Please feel free to jump right in to any topic or create a new topic. Sooner or later all the members who have been lurking will join in.
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Re: Hello...

Postby Laurie » 17 Jul 2012, 02:59

Thank you for the welcome Ninja er...Puppy? lol. Looks like a gorgeous Kitty to me, but what do I know. *twinkles*

It's nice to be here... :)
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Re: Hello...

Postby NinjaPuppy » 17 Jul 2012, 03:06

My avatar is more like my attitude around here. :lol:
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Re: Hello...

Postby NinjaPuppy » 05 Sep 2012, 20:29

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Re: Hello...

Postby drastikmeazures » 06 Sep 2012, 08:03

Hi there, I've got a pretty decent ufo story I haven't gotten around to typing out yet, (bit of a slow poke when it comes to typing) so I'd sure be interested to here other peoples as well. I know there's someone that goes by August West on here who has a doozy, didn't feel I had much to contribute to that thread though.
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