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Watch "The Obama Deception" (disturbing and eye opening)

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Watch "The Obama Deception" (disturbing and eye opening)

Postby Scepcop » 24 Sep 2009, 15:32

Watch this film "The Obama Deception". It'll open your eyes to a lot of what's going on behind the scenes. Several intellectuals (including blacks) are interviewed about President Obama and the true agenda of the banking elite he works for. Dark secrets about Arnold Schwarzenegger are revealed too that will sicken you. A fantastic film that gives you a whole new perspective on things. To learn about what the real hierarchy in America looks like, see the film.
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Re: Watch "The Obama Deception" (disturbing and eye opening)

Postby Nostradamus » 26 Sep 2009, 08:26

I have to say this is a weird film. I am not a supporter of Obama. I do not want a second term for Obama. But this film is totally wacko. My favorite wacko scene is where these knuckle heads notice that a car follows them to a fast food joint. The entire collections of scenes in this part of the film remind me of a spoof I saw in which an "undercover team secretly films paramilitary types extorting money from motorists." The films were of toll collectors along the NY Thruway. Very funny, but like this film.

If you disagree with President Obama's policies it is simpler to look at what has happened rather than concoct hallucinogenic tales.
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