I just find it rather humorous how far this topic has evolved WITHOUT the OP being anywhere near it.
The OP was obviously anti-American and I'm betting either very young, not from the U.S. or any Westernized nation or both. They dropped in, dropped an assumption bomb and ran off.
I will echo the term LIE however, in that Colin Powell has never forgiven the Bush Administration for playing him as it did. You'll notice that several key people abandoned the Bush Boat at the end of that first term and they did so with prejudice and still standing resentment & distrust.
There is evidence that W was plotting to create a conflict with Iran well before he got into office, I believe this is shared in Chris Mooney's "The Republican Conspiracy Against Science" along with reports by other credible authors involved with politics and society. While Jr. was crying publicly about Sadam trying to kill his daddy and the bogus WMD issue (proven time and again to not exist by the UN and other Intl. Investigation teams) the real dirt is the one most of society figured out; he owed his oil and military complex backers in a big way and a war with an oil rich nation was the only horse he could ride and get them what they demanded. Let's face it, W had no spine and had a very long history as a screw-up that shirked responsibility on a regular basis. . . then again, this explains why his father saw Dan Quayle as being like one of his boys -- stupid and easy to manipulate.
No, the "lies" weren't as cut & dry as the aforementioned definition, but we were lied to and it was said lies that lead to the U.S. betraying the International Community as well as its own citizens by declaring a war without direct provocation or immediate humanitarian concern (such as we find in Dar For, Syria, etc.) The Bush Jr. Administration turned the U.S. into being an aggressive nation which put the world on edge. Then too, this little betrayal put us all into a very ugly sense of economic turmoil that we've still not managed to escape.