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Debunking PseudoSkeptical Arguments of Paranormal Debunkers

Argument # 22: The Skeptical explanation for precognitive dreams - Selective memory and coincidence.


Stated as: “The explanation for precognitive dreams is that you selectively remember the dreams that come true but not those that don't, and attribute it to precognition.”


This is a standard cop out that basically says “If we can’t explain something or it doesn’t fit into our paradigm of reality” then it must be due to coincidence. To declare that with an absolute certainty requires that the skeptic have absolute infallible omniscient knowledge of the universe. They certainly don’t have that. Therefore they are not qualified to declare what is a coincidence and what isn’t. Logically they should just say “I don’t know”, but as we’ve seen time and time again, they are prejudiced against admitting that they don’t know something, due to their fear and psychological block against the mysterious. They hate mysteries and can’t tolerate their existence, so they need to explain every mystery away. That’s their philosophy, but it’s not logical (unless you’re going by their hijacked definition of logic which supports their warped philosophy). Again, they are making unqualified declarations due to their prejudices and biases, not objectivity.


Here is an example of a compelling precognitive dream cited by Larry Dossey M.D., author of The Power of Premonitions:


“Amanda, a young mother in Washington State, was awakened one night by a horrible dream. She dreamed that the chandelier in the next room had fallen from the ceiling onto her sleeping infant’s crib and crushed the baby. In the dream she saw a clock in the baby’s room that read 4:35, and that wind and rain were hammering the windows. Extremely upset, she awakened her husband and told him her dream. He said it was silly and to go back to sleep. But the dream was so frightening that Amanda went into the baby’s room and brought it back to bed with her. Soon she was awakened by a loud crash in the baby’s room. She rushed in to see that the chandelier had fallen and crushed the crib -- and that the clock in the room read 4:35, and that wind and rain were howling outside. Her dream premonition was camera-like in detail, including the specific event, the precise time, and even a change in the weather.”


As you can see, this is a compelling case highly suggestive of our occasional ability to glimpse forward into time and space. But since it doesn’t fit the pseudoskeptic's paradigm, it MUST, by their definition, be due to coincidence. It still constitutes zero evidence to them. This is not only faulty logic, but it’s indicative of an agenda to suppress our expansion of consciousness.


Besides, we don’t know that much about where dreams come from and what they mean to assume that they’re nothing but random thoughts and images.  We understand how people dream, but not why.  Skeptics again are inadvertently claiming to know too much to declare something false or coincidental.  In addition, the fact that there is convincing evidence for psychic phenomena in general such as telepathy from the numerous labs that did the Ganzfeld experiments, psychokinesis from Princeton’s 20 year PEAR programs, and remote viewing/clairvoyance from SRI and other research labs, makes precognition much more probable than otherwise.  You see, when one form of psi is proven, it raises the plausibility of the others by indicating that there are indeed paranormal powers of consciousness that we don’t understand.

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