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Hi... what about a survey???

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Hi... what about a survey???

Postby ciscop » 14 May 2010, 15:45

you know
as a psychologist (that thinks most of psychology is bunk)
i think it would be awesome to do a survey with the people that comes here
what do you think?
lets do it all together
for starters
lets see
1. How many of us do think have had a paranormal experience?
2. Do you believe in UFOs?
3. Do you believe in Ghosts?
4. Do you believe in Bigfoot?
5. Do you believe in PsiPowers?
6. Why do you think science doesnt think of paranormal as a science?
7, Do you think we will ever pass from Paranormal to Science?

well. then again i am a skeptic
but believers may have their questions too so i want to make a survey that work for both of us
so please ask whatever you have in mind
lets do it !!!
everybody please add questions or delete the questions that i wrote i dont care and most of all help me re write them in ENGLISH not in Beanerish which is the closest language that i speak
i just want to have concise information in all of us

dont you think it would be fun???
so ADD and Delete questions and lets do the survey open for all of us !!
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: Hi... what about a survey???

Postby NinjaPuppy » 14 May 2010, 18:18

I'd like to address this one:

6. Why do you think science doesnt think of paranormal as a science?

From Wikipedia: Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the world and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.[1] As knowledge has increased, some methods have proved more reliable than others, and today the scientific method is the standard for science. It includes the use of careful observation, experiment, measurement, mathematics, and replication — to be considered a science, a body of knowledge must stand up to repeated testing by independent observers. The use of the scientific method to make new discoveries is called scientific research, and the people who carry out this research are called scientists.[2][3]

Your question is pretty 'off' there ciscop. Science can't think. Science is the gathering of knowledge by definition and a process, not a being. You can't even replace the word 'scientist' because there are scientists that believe they have experienced unexplainable phenomena that fit into the category of paranormal.
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Re: Hi... what about a survey???

Postby ProfWag » 14 May 2010, 20:40

1. How many of us do think have had a paranormal experience? I've seen ghosts, UFOs, and experienced deja vu, but don't believe any of that was paranormal after some critical thinking.
2. Do you believe in UFOs? Yes, I believe in unidentified flying objects, but don't believe they are from another planet.
3. Do you believe in Ghosts? No
4. Do you believe in Bigfoot? No
5. Do you believe in PsiPowers? No
6. Why do you think science doesnt think of paranormal as a science? See Ninja's answer. Paranormal experiments have yet to be replicated.
7, Do you think we will ever pass from Paranormal to Science? Probably not.
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Re: Hi... what about a survey???

Postby ciscop » 15 May 2010, 02:43

what scientists???
radin? quack!
schwartz? quack!

you know what i am talking about np
paranormal ISNT in the science books we read in grammar school nor highschool
is nothing but a belief system right now,
i think what i was trying to say
what things that are consider paranormal will go into mainstream, you know will be acceptable by all scientists and not just a couple of scam artists and quacks

is it more possible psi powers than the philosopher´s stone for example?
astral travel, aura photograpy, ¨knowing¨ your angel..

stuff like that.. just asking
For every person who reads this valuable book there are hundreds of naïve souls who would prefer to have their spines tingled by a sensational but worthless potboiler by some hack journalist of the paranormal. You who now read these sentences join a small but wiser minority. Martin Gaardner (Psychology of the Psychic)
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Re: Hi... what about a survey???

Postby Twain Shakespeare » 31 Jul 2010, 03:42

I. Do think I have had a paranormal experience?
A.. By the list, evidence by the four degrees of “standing there, landing there, rumor, noise.”
1. UFOs when I was eight, I saw my brother see an “unidentified “ flying object which he assures me to this day was a “UFO”. And I have heard one first hand anecdote of lost time while watching ufoes, and one of being abducted as a minor.
2. My grandfather flushed the toilet right before he died for five years until my grandmother's health care worker snuck in a penguin to send him to hell. I heard it flush several times, and my brother told me it always happened. Several people have told me they have seen my grandmother , including my ex, who did not know her.
3. Bigfoot. My DNA tells me using Timothy Leary's sixth brain circuit that other hominids still live, but its bs-ed me before
a. Pre-cog, overwhelming, and weird. Mainly my wife's prophecies. The ones about the endtime were bs of course, but at other times she spoke with the oracular accuracy of Apollo telling Oedipus to go f—k his mother
b. telepathy, on the basis of long and subtle observation, more likely than not

II How do I assess the evidence, what do I believe with my heart, and how do the two cohere?
A. UFO-aliens
1.UFOes, overwhelming. Explanations probably multiple. A. Assessment and B. beliefs cohere. Probable future subjects of science, or possibly of reverse engineering, or even trade
2.aliens-time travelers-Noumenal beings of a third kind
a. aliens-overwhelmingly probable. A and B cohere
b. time travelers – plausible. A and B cohere
c. Noumenal beings of a third kind- barely plausible. A and B do not cohere
3. probability entity 2 is responsible for ufoes
Aliens-plausible. A and B cohere
time travelers – plausible. A and B cohere
Noumenal beings of a third kind- Heart wins. This is my current hypothesis for the bulk of those I feel I can explain. Soft version, Jungian archtypes in the brain. DMT is the most interesting phenomenon I have heard about that intersects with these phenomena.
2.Ghosts- evidence overwhelmingly probable there is a phenomena, but my anti-christian myth traits prevent me from wanting to believe it. Personal experience can't be explained. A and B do not cohere
3.Bigfoot-evidence, all I know is what I read in the papers, but otherwise, for various reasons, I find the theory that there may be unknown large primates plausible, and for sentimental reasons, my heart wants to believe it. Since I starve me heart, I've given it this one. A and B do not cohere. By the way, I do not see Big Foot as being any more paranormal than any other ape, including ourselves.
4.Psi-powers- the research is plausible which indicates there are phenomena to be observed. A and B cohere
III. Why do you think science doesn't think of paranormal as a science? Will any of these “paranormal” subjects become objects of scientific study?
1.Overview – science is a left-brain midfact . Somethings are proper purview of science. Their qualities are, they occur with regularity in the field and/or lab, they can be mathematically modeled, or at least logically analyzed, and they are falsifiable. Scientific institutions are, as Reich pointed out of all institution, a self-perpetuating ideology and economic resource. As such they develop priestcraft, and dogmas that define heresies. Witness Sagan taking on astrology or Velikovsky, This problem exist in relation to the four subjects defined below.
2.Point by point- UFOes, All the problems of science apply to the classes of phenomena I mentioned here, and by my premises noumenal beings might be unknowable by any means. Still, they are probable future subjects of science, or possibly of reverse engineering, or even trade, at least as far aliens and time dimensional travelers are concerned. As for ghost, all the problems of science apply. It has been a subject of fruitless scientific research, and plausibly of some that may yet prove fruitful. If it is respected, it will be because of a paradigm shift. Big foot, don't know, but I suspect that if scientists found a quarter million year old big foot fossil in Wisconsin, they would rename it Americopithecus magnapedes, and deny there was any relation, at least at first. Psi powers are observed in the lab. Apparently they can be mathematically modeled and studied in falsifiable terms. This will take just the relatively smallest paradigm shift to become accepted science. I have heard that in Brazil there is even a locally respected journal of Psychic surgery already, improbable as it sounds. I don't vouch for that, but it would not surprise me.
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Re: Hi... what about a survey???

Postby Twain Shakespeare » 31 Jul 2010, 04:03

I just responded to your survey. Are you still interested? If so, I have ideas.
In the respected paranormal realm,
Reincarnation, NDE, Gods and demons, and Astrology, I ching, tarot, etc.
I also have had non-respectable paranormal experiences, which you may ask about.
Further there are subjects in science it takes as dogmas, the ontological big bang and the atheistic neo-darwinian dogmas for example I find the two contradictory in and of themselves to the extent that I do not even find cosmology plausible, and darwinism plausible, but not probable enough to “believe” in it.
Then there are the cosmological heresies, the electromagnetic universe, the steady-state, and Velikovsky, for example, and the evolutionary heresies, Hindu and Xian creationism, biophysics and panspermia, for example.
Then there is archeology, with Atlantis, von Daniken, and Velikovsky again.
Then there is informational theory, statistics, memes, AI, as well as the language issues, origins, semantics, epistemology, ontology, the nature of grammar, syntax, and logic itself, even mathematical realism versus nominalism
I won't mention conspiracies. They are a given.
May your experiences be groovy
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