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Hello! my name is Masonicon

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Hello! my name is Masonicon

Postby Masonicon » 28 Jul 2016, 08:47

Hello Everyone! my Name is Masonicon, one of the reason I'm Conspiracy Theorist and the like is: official versions of Real World events has good(if not fat) chance of Perpetuating Islamophobia so that's why I can't stand them for good reason, and I'm working on a Multi-fandom Crossover Project with at least fair amount of Science Fiction and Fantasy elements taken from our Home Sweet Home Universe that's known as Real life(by research either through watching The Antichrist Dajjal Series videos made by Abdullah Hashem).

I fed up with "Science Skeptics" slandering everything that aren't fit into their believe system as Mere Fiction and they're the worst of Religious Extremists ever(at least IMO)
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Jan 2011, 12:39

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