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Discussions about Unexplained Creatures and Cryptozoology. E.g. Bigfoot, The Lochness Monster, The Jersey Devil, etc.
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Recommend the kids book Sasquatch

17 Nov 2009, 09:01

Been reading the book with my son. It has bigfoot, DB Cooper, aliens, and a volcano all wrapped up in a single book. What more could you ask for? Haven't gotten to the end so there may be more fun in the book.

Re: Recommend the kids book Sasquatch

18 Nov 2009, 05:55

how old is your kid?

db cooper was aweeeeeeeeeesome
i hope he actually survived the skydive
its such a great story

Re: Recommend the kids book Sasquatch

18 Nov 2009, 13:53

My son is 8 and in 2nd grade. He's an awesome reader. He reads above 6th grade material. He finished this book on his own. I had to read the end myself.

The DB Cooper character in the book jumps out of the plane and lands bad breaking his hip. He is rescued by a Sasquatch and taken to a cabin where he mends. The reason for the hijack was to raise money for a dying son. But while recuperating the son dies and so the hijacker ends up with cash he does not want hanging out with bigfoot on Mt St Helen.

A fun movie I saw this summer was Mil Masquaras vs the Aztec King. It has Mexican wrestler Mil Masquaras as a Renaissance Man helping the US military and the president vanquish a revived Aztec king and his zombie army.

Examples of the dialogue in this film:
"How did you get into professional wrestling?"
"I started out as an astrophysicist, but I was looking for something more meaningful in my life."

"I'm looking forward to reading your new article published in the peer reviewed wrestling journal."

"Mil Masquaras we only have a few hours to save the world. Are you ready?"
"Yes I am Mr President, but first I have to take some publicity photos."
"Of course, I understand."

I saw the movie in a theater packed with grad students. It was hard to hear the film due to the laughter.
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