by SydneyPSIder » 21 Aug 2014, 08:37
OK, I'll stop reading, despite your earnest regrets.
Although your definition of 'modern physics' (so-called) is clearly inaccurate or outright wrong. You don't seem to understand the sub-disciplines classified under physics, including nuclear, astronomy and astrophysics, properties of materials in the case of examples like the development of silicon chips and other new materials, and so on and so on. One could include the development of all electronics components in there, LCD screens, etc etc.
If you had started a thread saying 'I believe Einsteinian relativistic physics is wrong' that would be a whole other ball game, but I had to post in an article myself (which I've read some time ago out of curiosity and thought about in terms of who Einstein was and his work background) to actually bring that out. Nor have you indicated how you might disprove it or why Einsteinian physics might be fallacious based on Eddington's observations, etc. But instead you've titled it 'Nothing useful has come out of modern physics'. And you've gone on to try to smear the researchers who came up with silicon chips, claiming they stole the idea from someone else, although they were all physicists and electrical engineers. In that case, clearly then the person they stole it from was a modern physicist. The physics has to start somewhere.
So, definitely time-wasting, if not trolling.