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Re: Do any of you have Rh negative blood type?

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2011, 23:27
by craig weiler
I'm O neg. Universal donor.

Re: Do any of you have Rh negative blood type?

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2012, 15:16
by Twain Shakespeare
Sounds like me too, on many points, but I am sure I would be dead if I had needed negative O instead of vanilla when I exsanguinated completely three times after surgery, or at least someone would have mentioned the extra expense. I was out of it, but I know I would have asked, and remembered any new info.

So, obviously, I am a result of a program to fix these traits in a clonable genotype for the purpose of conducting skinnerian experiments to determine the effect of nurture on nature. Its self evident if you know my family.

Peace, love, and wisdom

Re: Do any of you have Rh negative blood type?

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2013, 12:32
by nickleanddime
Funny how I go from researching how rare my blood type is to a alien abduction forum. Anyways I have alot of paranormal experiences all my life, I know I've had contact with alien people, and I have pretty much all but a few of the listed traits. I've searched alot of sites and it is strange that o neg is Sao odd. Maybe we are something special, I've always never belonged to anything until I married my wife. I'm overly observant and sensitive to thing around me. The heat bothers the gel outta me but I'm at home in cold. I have a low pulse but healthy. But I'm not sure about the tail lol.