Hi Arouet,
Thanks. : ) I think.
How often should one see it statistically?
If we use seconds as our unit then I have to take 24 * 60 because the clock will indicate 11 after the hour for 60 seconds each time it happened. So, that would be 1440 / 86400 which is 1/60.
How often do you see it?
I have had it happen as many as 5 times in a day.
It is not just the clock. I started the dishwasher the other day and the run time came up 111.
It never does that. I made an entry in my electronic dictionary and then noticed when I was done
the time stamp was 11:11pm.
How often do you see every other time on the clock?
I will have to track that. Actually, that would be good.
I really don't look at the clock that much. I will go hours at a time and then think to myself, "I need to check the time."
How are you controlling for confirmation bias?
All I have is my word that I am experiencing this at random.
Consider this. My brother, my wife and friends seem to conveniently texting me at 11 past the hour.
They were just as surprised about the time when I told them.
I get nixel notices on my cell phone at 11 past the hour. I create blog posts and then notice the next day the time stamp is 8:11pm or 10:11 pm. I go to bed and pick up my clock to check the alarm and it's 11 past the hour.
I'm working on possible theories as to why.
1. My routine lends itself to this time.
2. Could there be a connection between universal patterns and human biology
3. Could my internal biological clock and my analytical mind be in synch (I'm just obsession about 11 past the hour)
4. feel free to suggest a theory.
Are you familiar with Carl Gustav Jung and the concept of Synchronicity?
His concept does not apply to my situation directly but I think there may be something there.
I am looking at this more in depth.