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Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

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Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

Postby Scepcop » 04 Feb 2013, 21:45

I have a deep question that I'm pondering. Are the wars throughout history and today really necessary? Why can't all world leaders just make compromises and mutually beneficial agreements like reasonable adults? Ever wonder about that?

I don't really see how or why wars are really necessary. They seem engineered or orchestrated for some diabolical or nefarious reason. For example, the two world wars of the 20th Century don't seem necessary at all. The official causes of them sound contrived, like they were created for a comic book or movie. When Batman movies and cartoons show Bruce Wayne's parents getting killed in the back alley by a mugger for no reason, it looks contrived and set up to give Bruce Wayne a reason to become Batman. Likewise, something about wars seems contrived and staged. They don't seem like a logical necessity. Or do they?

The corporations and leaders in countries like America that start wars seem rich and well off. It doesn't seem like profit would be their only motive in starting an unnecessary war (like Vietnam or Iraq). Could there be more going on than the public thinks? Could wars also be an "Illuminati/occult sacrifice ritual" for the dark occult rulers of this world, as some conspiracy researchers suggest? (such as David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Mark Passio, etc.)

There is a saying that, "The organizing principle of society is war". What does that mean exactly? Does that mean that war is a necessity for the existence or harmony of society? If so, how and why?

Or could it be that whoever or whatever runs the "matrix" or "computer simulation" that we possibly live in (Google "Simulation Hypothesis" or "Nick Bostrom"), considers peace to be boring, so they have to engineer constant conflict and wars?

After all, think about this: If a movie showed only peace, harmony and goodness, would you enjoy it? Would you pay to watch it? Aren't movies only interesting if there's some kind of conflict involved? Could the same be said of reality as well?

Likewise, would you play a video game that had no conflict of any kind? Wouldn't such a game be boring and not worth your while? Don't game designers need to program conflict, challenges and obstacles in them to make them worth your while?

Could the same principle be at work in real life? Does this explain all the seemingly staged and unnecessary wars and conflict in the world?

Does life itself thrive on conflict and challenges? Would existence serve any purpose without them? Is peaceful existence without conflict or obstacles even possible in the universe or matrix that we live in?

Could our existence serve as mere entertainment for the creators of our matrix reality? Or do we serve some useful purpose to them?

Or perhaps wars and conflict are a necessary "balancing" of the duality of existence. Since there can't be a light without the dark, maybe there can't be peace without conflict either? Perhaps both must exist, or take turns in cycles, like the Ying and Yang union of opposites in Chinese Taoism? If so, then it would not be realistic to expect or hope for a world full of peace, joy and goodness right?

What do you think?
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Re: Are wars really necessary? Does we thrive on conflict?

Postby Arouet » 04 Feb 2013, 22:06

What do you think?
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Re: Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

Postby SydneyPSIder » 07 Feb 2013, 19:00

Try reading 'Demonic Males' for a comparison with our nearest primate relatives re aggression, territorialism, etc.
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Re: Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

Postby Scepcop » 08 Feb 2013, 01:16

Here's another idea:

Perhaps wars and conflict are a necessary "balancing" of the duality of existence. Since there can't be a light without the dark, maybe there can't be peace without conflict either? Perhaps both must exist, or take turns in cycles, like the Ying and Yang union of opposites in Chinese Taoism? If so, then it would not be realistic to expect or hope for a world full of peace, joy and goodness right?
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