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Share your paranormal and psychic experiences here. Do you have any stories of how you came to realize that there were other dimensions or levels of reality? NO SKEPTICS ALLOWED!
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Re: Ghost Chat with NinjaPuppy

08 Oct 2012, 01:32

Next I'll go into the ghost part so stay tuned.

Re: Ghost Chat with NinjaPuppy

08 Oct 2012, 07:46

What's missing from the high techery is one of these:


There seem to be plenty of psychics who can see or communicate directly with ghosts however. Well, not plenty, but some.

Re: Ghost Chat with NinjaPuppy

08 Oct 2012, 21:15

Now on to the ghost part of the weekend. One tool that I found to be interesting are the Mini Maglites available for about $10 each at Walmart. I'm going to pick a few of them up today and do some research with them. At the very least, they are a useful item to have in the house as I do lose power more than probably the average household due to storms and the fact that this town hasn't updated the main wiring for over 60 years.

I've seen the Maglite thing on "Ghost Hunters" but since we're talking TV, I was positive that they were showing only the 'hits' and not 'misses'. It's not good TV when you have 20 minutes of someone asking the same question over and over until one of those lights finally trip on, so that was my (old) take on this Maglite situation.

This past weekend I was pretty amazed at how those Maglites can work. The medium would ask a question with two different color Maglites placed on a table and those suckers went on and off in sequence with the requests or 'questions'. It's hard to debunk something like this as you're sitting less than 3 feet from said Maglites observing. Both lights were set on the same table next to each other so it's not like hitting the table would set off one or the other. If he asked the 'spirit' to light up a specific color one, it went on. When thanked the 'spirit' and asked that a specific color one be turned off, it did. He used the 'on' / 'off' for yes and no responses and if he got a string of 'no' responses to his questions (that would be no light up) he would then ask if the spirit was still with us and the darned thing would light right up. I have GOT to play with this Maglite thing.

I found one article about Maglites if anyone would like to know more: ... theory111/
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