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Share your paranormal and psychic experiences here. Do you have any stories of how you came to realize that there were other dimensions or levels of reality? NO SKEPTICS ALLOWED!
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The Journey of my Soul

28 Jun 2012, 22:55

By Alan McDougall

I have gone to many places walked on the great grass prairies, and steppe, mountains of wonder stood at the north of Scotland with the icy North Sea blowing on my body. I saw the earth in its blue beauty and rose up. I have walked on monochrome moons and seen with mind sight blazing clouds of light and felt huge translucent beings on gossamer wings a million miles across flowing through the universe and my body and soul on gossamer wings which is my awareness.

Then for a peaceful while in velvet space I hovered somewhere in the deep void. I heard the vibrations of the infinite eternal wonder of the unspeakably beautiful music of the universe, with all the stars in unison blazed in glorious colors which is their songs of praise to God across vastnesses of infinite universes of light and dark. My mind overcome with the beauty of it all wept.

I then knew that each living being was an essential building block a brick that holds up the fabric of reality and existence. All things are merged in one blissful everlasting union, with the Sublime "Mind” We together are “GOD”. “I am god” “I am infinite” “I am all” yet I remain “myself”. I have seen cities of pure composite light of countless colors never seen before, travelled and at the speed of infinity exiting the universe until it became but a tiny dot in the utter vastness of the googolplex other different universes.

Then blazing into the “Super Mother Universe” I observed the awesome “Golden Light of the Infinite One “Source and Reason of all reality” and, tried to comprehend the unimaginable beauty of the “Original Mind”, and “Original Thought” that created and sustains all off existence.

We, who dwell in all the mysterious universes, sang, together, across the eternity of time, the music of the Golden Orbs to the truth that we all have become ONE, now we were indestructible energy. Strange as it would be without the Eternal Infinite, the eternal, "I" and the eternal "YOU" there would be nothing at all, because we together created reality. Great knowledge and wisdom flowed to the truth that all of us have existed forever and ever.

This is no ends, only new beginnings in an everlasting cycle and progression of existence and creation. Now let us all merge into one eternal loving moment of ecstasy and joy moment, singing as one the beautiful great songs of creation. We have returned to our true source now again we are together forever and nothing is hidden everything is possible, rejoice for we are infinity eternally beautiful as we formulate a new existence more wonderful than the first.

What am I “I AM LIFE”


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