Introduce yourself here!
17 Nov 2011, 02:32
Hi Everyone,
I'm a college student working on a degree in Atmospheric Science. Recently I have also become very interested in the brain and consciousness, and i'm beginning to develop my own model of where consciousness comes from and how it interacts with the brain. If I ever become a more well known scientist I will fight for a fair investigation of the truth, meaning criticlly examining claims before accepting them but not immedeately rejecting claims because they "sound like nonsense." This looks like a good site for promoting that. As scientists, we can do much better than name-calling and putting labels on things.
I've come here mostly to get practice with writing my ideas on skeptisism, consciousness, and life after death and get useful feedback/criticism from open-minded people.
Danny C
17 Nov 2011, 02:40
17 Nov 2011, 04:10
Welcome wxtracker!
17 Nov 2011, 12:05
Howdy wxtracker. I'm totally into consciousness studies. This should be interesting.
Are you aware of the work of Steve Lehar? Very interesting stuff.
18 Nov 2011, 13:06
Never heard of him! But thanks for the link!
20 Nov 2011, 02:05
You might also look into Persinger's work. He is experimenting with a specific eletromagnetic frequency to create entanglement between brains. It provides a mechanism and an explanation for psychic ability.
15 Dec 2011, 13:06
Persinger is an odd duck. He is a materialist, but he thinks that psi is real and that it has a materialist explanation. So far, he's doing better than anyone else at finding a mechanism.
16 Dec 2011, 00:38
I like the fact that Persinger is actually trying to identify mechanisms for what he thinks is going on. if psi is real, and it has a mechanism, it makes it much easier to deal with. It will allow for real predictions, and tests that are more than just statistical anomalies. It may allow for real understanding of what is going on rather than just leaving it with "something unexplanable". So I like his approach though I wish he wrote his reports in a manner a bit friendlier to the lay person. Some of them are quite dense and technical so that sometimes even the conclusion sections don't make a lick of sense to me! He's better when he gives a presentation.
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