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Thinker of Consciousness Thinks

18 Sep 2012, 01:10

Hi Everyone,

I'm Craig. I have developed a new way of looking at Philosophy of Mind, specifically the Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Explanatory Gap which I think reconciles subjectivity and objectivity. I do a lot of debating with people online and am very familiar with both extremes of the spectrum of argumentation and epistemology - from those who seem to feel that "Only Material Matters Matter (OMMM)" and those who seem certain that "Anything Can Mean Everything (ACME)".

I think that my approach (multisense realism) reconciles these extremes and places them in perspective within a larger context of sensemaking which has universal implications. I appreciate those who have taken the time to put this site together, as there is a lot of intolerance out there to new ideas and easy to bulldoze subtle distinctions and assign blame from of purely egotistical motives in the name of 'the scientific method' or 'the laws of physics'. Only when we begin to question what it is that laws and methods actually are and how they impact concrete realities will we progress in our understanding of the big picture.

Thanks, see you around.

Re: Thinker of Consciousness Thinks

18 Sep 2012, 01:53

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