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Discussions about Unexplained Creatures and Cryptozoology. E.g. Bigfoot, The Lochness Monster, The Jersey Devil, etc.
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Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 00:08

Cryptozologists are having the time of their lives
they just found a monster in Ontario big trout lake

i dont know how to call it in english
but looks like some kind of big rat that hangs himself from the tail
it appeared in an episode of the simpsons, the one that conan o´brien wrote.. ¨monorail¨.. where homer gets a job driving the monorail or metro and when marge opens a closet inside.. there is this kind of rat hanging from the tail.. you know what i am talking about?

i hope it is a new kind of animal
thats way more exciting

Re: Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 02:42

It's an otter. The color of the fur and the fur on the tail are not an opossum. See how stubby the face of the animal is and an opossum has a longer face. I think using the claim of a NZ zoologist to identify an animal in Canada is weird. I think that's a fake claim.

Re: Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 03:12

an otter?

it could be

i really like cryptozoology
i hope one of this days they found bigfoot or a fairy
that would be awesome

Re: Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 03:32

Can't they run some sort of species DNA test? They have DNA tests to tell the breed(s) of dogs.

Re: Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 13:05

They could do a DNA test, but the folks only took a photo. I think collecting the specimen did not happen. I'll look around and see if I can find any updates.

Re: Ontario´s ¨The Ugly one¨ monster found!!

25 May 2010, 21:54

Could be a Stoat aka Ermine and member of the weasel family. Notice the muzzle in this photo looks similar to the muzzle of the dead critter.
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